last few weeks, we plan to have short vacation this coming june...of coz lah outside jb kan. google punya google, en epol kata let's tioman. tioman? hmmm, that time aidil dah 5mth ++. so, okey lah kan.. cam dah jd tradisi lak, asal ank umur 5/6 bulan.. mesti g mandi laut.. x mandi pun, kaki ank tu dicecah2kan kat pantai..
well, disebabkan dh bertahun x b'cuti kat pulau... kenalah study apa yg patut dan pastikan bawak yg perlu aje. yg x patut x yah...wat penuh beg aje.
ni map tioman. most of chalet ada kat sini. so, silalah google 1 per 1 utk details. nak senang.... bleh click kat links ni... for me, they're quite helpful..
then bila dh tau nak stay mana.. buatlah reservation ASAP. masa aku wat reservation kat coral reef holiday, tekek village... tinggal 3 bilik je. 2 deluxe dan 1 triple. terus x tunggu lama, confirmed and bayar duit booking $200. kalu lmbt sket... sure fully booked. maklumlah, time cuti sekolah..
nape pilih tekek village?
a.ayub + org2 kat internet kata...tekek ni cam pekan sket n ada byk facilities dan kedai2 mkn. plus x jauh sgt nk g marine park..jadi, utk kita yg x pernah pegi ni... ikut je lah kata2 org yg dh penah pegi.. wokey?
how to go there....
either naik flight by berjaya air... ataupun drive sampai jeti mersing.
charges : ferry 2 way $70/pax, pemuliharaan hidupan laut $5/pax, parking $10/day.
ferry schedule :
mersing jetty to tioman jetty - 0730 / 1030 / 1130 / 1430 / 1730
tioman jetty to mersing jetty - 0730 / 1230 / 1530
based on googling, aku rasa chalet kat sana mesti lbh kurang mcm kat mersing.. so don't expect yg indah2 sgt la ek. hahaha... will see ya.. following is the checklist apa yg aku kena bawak nanti. 2 dewasa, 2 kanak2 dan 1 baby for 3D2N.
- cash n slip bank-in deposit
- pants, shirts, telekung, etc (yg x perlu digosok)
- towel, toiletries, minyak angin, balm, sunblock
- baju mandi n snorkeling set
- foods : marinated meat/lamb, jajan, nes n milo 3in1
hmmm, cepat lah 2nd june... x sabo dh ni nak g mandi laut n nk amik pics byk2.