this is his 3rd trip to kerteh but this air mata still sebok nak say goodbye jugak pd en epol. i really hate this moments. luckily this time satu rombongan cik kiah sent him to bus station PG. jdi takleh aku nk berdrama bagai. anak2 x nangis, takkan lah ibu pulak yg over.
masa pegi ni aku x risau sgt, but masa blk nanti ya... sgt risau. according to him, from kerteh airport to kuantan bus station.. the taxi charges is $100/car. time petang2, taxi x nk g kuantan... jd nk x nk, kenalah naik bas 'gila' tu. horror ok... janji kul 11pm++, but then bas sampai kul 3am. nasib baik ada member masa tu, watnya sorang2...haish. bleh nangis kat bus stop. bas nye dah la x de a/cond... x de lampu. mesti en epol x tido lgsg masa otw blk ari tu.
again, this time dia in-charged kat bekok A..
so, if u're reading ths........ good luck. jgn tensi2. kalu tensi, mkn coklat byk2 ek. luv u.