Sunday, October 14, 2012

ideas for home deco ~ where to get?

adalah normal kalu kita nk sesuatu tp kt x nk kuar modal [langsung]..
bleh ek? hahaha... mestilah x bleh. 

contoh yg relate ngan aku adalah dlm bab nk mencari idea camne nk mencantik kan rumah. nk kuar g window shopping to ssf, romantika, kk home deco, etc adlh sgt x practical when u have ank kecik yg x reti dok diam cam si kechek ni. buang masa dan buang duit myk je.. so, utk itu biasanya aku guna these 2 methods either google je kat internet or beli magazine yg sepatutnya. it is more cheaper, easy dan bleh tengok berulangkali sampai juling mata.

through googling, i found these website that quite help. antaranya :

carilah jugak website company yg offered interior design n renovation services. biasanya diorg ada gallery to show their past projects.

kalu magazine lak, byk sgt yg bleh dipilih kat market. but i preferred yg kat bwh ni. most of deco magazine adalah mahal n aku x koser nk beli every issue. pd mana2 individu yg jenis 'berkira' cam aku, magazine 'in design' dan 'RRenovation' are highly recommended. kat dlm mags tu ada bykkkkkk real designs and they're not repeated again n again. n another tip, beli mags from different publisher to avoid mata disajikan dgn design yg sama.