Tuesday, September 18, 2012

breastfeed n 1st period

setau aku... aku takkan datang period kalu mengamalkan exclusive breastfeeding..
owh, silap rupanya ...
after googling, i've found these info which is helping me to understand better [and increasing my awareness of next pregnancy *wink*]  


You are more likely to get your periods back sooner if: 
  • your baby is sleeping for more than four hours at a time during the day or sleeping for more than six hours at a time at night
  • your baby has begun to eat solid foods
  • you are supplementing some breastfeeds with formula milk or water
  • your baby uses a dummy
  • your baby is feeding less often during the day and for less time at each feed

Your periods are less likely to return if:
  • you're feeding your baby often during the day, without giving her extra fluids or solids
  • your baby uses your breast for comfort sucking as well as feeding
  • you sleep with your baby
  • you carry your baby close to you in a sling or carrier during the day

The return of your periods may also depend on the level of the hormone progesterone in your body. If you have lower levels of progesterone you're likely to get your periods back earlier than mums with higher levels. So it's possible that you could be breastfeeding around the clock, but start your periods again. 


When the first period returns depends upon several factors: how frequently the baby is nursing, how often the baby is supplemented with bottles, whether or not the baby takes a pacifier, how long the baby is sleeping at night, whether or not solids have been introduced, and the mother's own individual body chemistry and the way it responds to hormonal influences associated with breastfeeding. Any time the stimulation to the breast is decreased, especially at night, menstruation is likely to return soon after.

When menstruation does return, you should consider yourself fertile and take precautions against pregnancy if desired. Some women consider their first period as their "warning period" that they are now capable of becoming pregnant. However, it IS possible to become pregnant before the first period returns, although quite rare.

The return of menstruation does not mean the end of breastfeeding. The milk does not sour or "go bad" when you are having a period. The milk is no less nutritious when you are menstruating than when you are not. Some women do notice a temporary drop in milk supply in the days just prior to a period and for a few days into one. This is due to hormonal fluctuations. Once the period begins and hormone levels begin to return to normal, the milk supply will boost back up again. Most babies can compensate well for this temporary drop in supply with more frequent nursing


info from : http://kellymom.com

How can I use breastfeeding to prevent pregnancy?

The Exclusive Breastfeeding method of birth control is also called the Lactational Amenorrhea Method of birth control, or LAM. Lactational amenorrhea refers to the natural postpartum infertility that occurs when a woman is not menstruating due to breastfeeding. Many mothers receive conflicting information on the subject of breastfeeding and fertility.

Myth #1 – Breastfeeding cannot be relied upon to prevent pregnancy.
Myth #2 – Any amount of breastfeeding will prevent pregnancy, regardless of the frequency of breastfeeding or whether mom’s period has returned.
Exclusive breastfeeding has in fact been shown to be an excellent form of birth control, but there are certain criteria that must be met for breastfeeding to be used effectively.
Exclusive breastfeeding (by itself) is 98-99.5% effective in preventing pregnancy as long as all of the following conditions are met:
  1. Your baby is less than six months old
  2. Your menstrual periods have not yet returned
  3. Baby is breastfeeding on cue (both day & night), and gets nothing but breastmilk or only token amounts of other foods.
