Saturday, January 22, 2011

cam sama je cite kita ni


jejaka A suka gadis B since dia umur 11 thn lagi. w/pun dia dh bgtau, gadis B tu wat dono je. then gadis B hilang tanpa khabar berita. lepas 10 thn diorang jumpa balik...and diorang pun being a couple. disebabkan jejaka A yg ekonominya kureng stabil...dia cam liat sket nak ajak gadis B ni kawin..after 6 years together n cinta maut punya, gadis B ni akhirnya kawin dgn jejaka C yg baru je dia kenal. maka meloponglah jejaka A.. 

jejaka A : sampai ati ko gadis B. trust me, you will never luv jejaka C as much as u luv me. huhuhu *nangis sampai hingus terkeluar
gadis B : yup i'm sooooo in luv with u. but since u slow sangat.....i'm sorry...i have a life to live on. babai bebeh!
jejaka C : it's ok gadis B. take your time to forget jejaka A.. take your time to luv me.....tapi jgn lama sangatlah. penat wei nak tunggu..


moral of the story
* before u getting serious with somebody, make sure you planned your life well first. there's no makhluk in ths planet will be loyal to uncertain promise. rasa2 dh stabil barulah leh manabur janji manis mu kat mana2 awek yg ko suka.  
* being loyal to the right people. luv is not everything. lebih2 lagi kalu jejaka tu jenis yg mulut manis, tangan gatal, nak meleser je kejenya.... tinggalkan lah cepat2. u can find someone better.
* it is not about how long u know him. its about.......are u ready n willing to accept him for who he is. 
* theres no issue being 2nd choice cam jejaka C. no need being jeles to her past luv story..dh tinggal sejarah kei!! now u've got her...give her yr soul, yr luv, yr trust......u will get her's in return. 
* before making any big decision, pls solat helps. Allah only give u the best. 
* my fav : kebahagiaan tu x kan dtg sendiri. ia harus dicari, diusahakan, dinikmati dan dimaintain. (ko ingat kete je ke ada maintenance) 

errr...apa beza cinta ngan sayang....bagi aku cam sama je. cuma % passion tu kureng sket kalu setakat syg...hmmm, ye ke teori aku ni. nantilah aku goooogle.....

me, myself