Saturday, September 29, 2012

this is my style *__*

dari pagi srh tido x mau....
amik ni
kul 2 baru nak lelap.. itupun lepas ibu dia wat dono je..
ha3...... padan muka kechek


sesi bersantai yg x berapa nk santai

semalam adalah hari yg sgt memenatkan.... penat melayan kerenah bdk bertiga tu lah.. apa lagi.
pagi2 hantar g sekolah, beli b'fast. then hantar tok bak kat bus station.
blk umh gedebak gedebuk..... eh jam dh nk kul 11.00.. its time to fetch adam.
kelam kabut mandi..............
sampai school dh 11 lbh. nasib baik mood dia ok hari ni... 
mana x nye, penuh jajan dlm beg.
then terus g skudai.. dlm kepala memikir ni.... jln mana yg paling dekat n x jam.
h/way PG.... jln 3 tingkat... larkin????? last2 pilih lalu larkin. 
nasib baik si kechek x buat hal. sdp dia tido kat blkg....

this young man sebenarnya dh x beminat nk ddk nicely kat dlm car seat.. asal letak je.... sibuk nk merangkak keluar. tu belum jerit kuat2..... menangis nye lagi.... haish!!!
so, a mother yg creative ni has transformed the myvi car to be an executive coach.... 
what i did is, tarik seat myvi tu... then letak toto. in the middle tu aku letak bantal so kechek takleh g depan..... 

but dia kan pandai.. dia tarik bantal2 tu.. pastu bleh la dia merangkak ke dpn. so, terpaksalah kakak peluk kaki dia kuat2..... selalunya aku suruh kakak ddk kat tgh2 tu....jd benteng manusia lah kononnya. tau2 je dengar kakak nangis sbb rambut dia kena tarik ngan kechek. minah tu kan lembek sket... ngan adik yg umur 9 blb pun bleh kalah.... so far, abg je lah yg bleh tahan jaga kechek.

otw balik ke PG adlh sgt azab. dia nangis non stop dr mutiara rini... so aku terpaksa transit kat 3 tempat..... lepas yg ketiga tu baru dia tido. fuhh, aman sket nk bawak kete. time tu konon2 nk speed, tp x bleh coz jln belakang tu dh ramai pengguna. 

dlm mcm tu bukannya terus blk umh..... ada hati menyinggah kipmart beli brg basah. lauk2 semuanya dh habis... ada org tu asik order ayam paprik je.... jalan punya jalan........... teringat yg ank dara ni mengidam nk pakai rantai n gelang..... so, belikan dia gelang. rantai x leh coz abg dia jenis gurau kasar. karang x pasal2 rantai tu putus.... gelang ni consider hadiah b'day in advance. bleh kan kakak..


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

cuba try test

cepat balik tau

















dh beli ni :)

bleh ke guna kaedah ni pujuk suami blk umh cepat2???


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

deary husband who cant access facebook :p

boring ek kat laut?
nak amik ni... tp jgn nyanyi kuat sgt tau...
nanti kena gelak ngan ank buah.


Monday, September 24, 2012

dan bila mlm menjelma

setakat naik katil.... ape lah sangat bu...
kasi lah yg lg adventure :p


Sunday, September 23, 2012

resepi | bread pudding ala nani rostam

ni dh kali kedua wat butterscotch bread pudding + cream source..
pasni tunggu setahun lg la baru aku wat semula. sampai hilang rasa creamy kat tekak ni.

original resepi dr k.nani rostam. pastu aku adjustkan ikut apa yg ada kat dapur.
hmmm, kalu letak whipping cream, ia mgkn akn lbh yummy or lbh muak coz too creamy. takpe.... sebagai ganti aku mkn pudding ni dgn ice.cream...

sooooooooo nikmat!!!!!!!!!
en epol? dia x layan dessert2 ni. manis sgt katanya...
yolah.. org tu kan skang ni layan lasagna...eceh!!!

resepi puding

10 keping roti gardenia butterscotch + sapu dgn butter
[ susun dalam loyang yg dah dioles dgn margerin/butter ]

[ campur + pukul sampai sebati (bahan B) ]
2 cwn susu full cream + 2 cwn whipping cream + 1 cwn gula + 6 biji telur + sikit esen vanilla 

[ tuangkan bahan B ke atas roti yg dah disusun dalam loyang. tunggu +/-1 jam, kasi roti tu kembang dan meresap bahan B. taburkan sikit brown sugar dan kismis. pastu bakar 30mnt @ 160 degrees ]

resepi cream source

[ campur dan masak sampai halus + likat ]
500ml susu full cream + gula* + tepung jagung* + esen vanilla* (* agak2 je)

sejukkan dan sila la makan.
aku mkn ngan aiskrim.... bertambah la sedapnya. 
thanks to k.nani sbb share resepi yg mudah + sedap ni.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

breastfeed n 1st period

setau aku... aku takkan datang period kalu mengamalkan exclusive breastfeeding..
owh, silap rupanya ...
after googling, i've found these info which is helping me to understand better [and increasing my awareness of next pregnancy *wink*]  


You are more likely to get your periods back sooner if: 
  • your baby is sleeping for more than four hours at a time during the day or sleeping for more than six hours at a time at night
  • your baby has begun to eat solid foods
  • you are supplementing some breastfeeds with formula milk or water
  • your baby uses a dummy
  • your baby is feeding less often during the day and for less time at each feed

Your periods are less likely to return if:
  • you're feeding your baby often during the day, without giving her extra fluids or solids
  • your baby uses your breast for comfort sucking as well as feeding
  • you sleep with your baby
  • you carry your baby close to you in a sling or carrier during the day

The return of your periods may also depend on the level of the hormone progesterone in your body. If you have lower levels of progesterone you're likely to get your periods back earlier than mums with higher levels. So it's possible that you could be breastfeeding around the clock, but start your periods again. 


When the first period returns depends upon several factors: how frequently the baby is nursing, how often the baby is supplemented with bottles, whether or not the baby takes a pacifier, how long the baby is sleeping at night, whether or not solids have been introduced, and the mother's own individual body chemistry and the way it responds to hormonal influences associated with breastfeeding. Any time the stimulation to the breast is decreased, especially at night, menstruation is likely to return soon after.

When menstruation does return, you should consider yourself fertile and take precautions against pregnancy if desired. Some women consider their first period as their "warning period" that they are now capable of becoming pregnant. However, it IS possible to become pregnant before the first period returns, although quite rare.

The return of menstruation does not mean the end of breastfeeding. The milk does not sour or "go bad" when you are having a period. The milk is no less nutritious when you are menstruating than when you are not. Some women do notice a temporary drop in milk supply in the days just prior to a period and for a few days into one. This is due to hormonal fluctuations. Once the period begins and hormone levels begin to return to normal, the milk supply will boost back up again. Most babies can compensate well for this temporary drop in supply with more frequent nursing


info from :

How can I use breastfeeding to prevent pregnancy?

The Exclusive Breastfeeding method of birth control is also called the Lactational Amenorrhea Method of birth control, or LAM. Lactational amenorrhea refers to the natural postpartum infertility that occurs when a woman is not menstruating due to breastfeeding. Many mothers receive conflicting information on the subject of breastfeeding and fertility.

Myth #1 – Breastfeeding cannot be relied upon to prevent pregnancy.
Myth #2 – Any amount of breastfeeding will prevent pregnancy, regardless of the frequency of breastfeeding or whether mom’s period has returned.
Exclusive breastfeeding has in fact been shown to be an excellent form of birth control, but there are certain criteria that must be met for breastfeeding to be used effectively.
Exclusive breastfeeding (by itself) is 98-99.5% effective in preventing pregnancy as long as all of the following conditions are met:
  1. Your baby is less than six months old
  2. Your menstrual periods have not yet returned
  3. Baby is breastfeeding on cue (both day & night), and gets nothing but breastmilk or only token amounts of other foods.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

anak[s] abah.... dulu tu abah bukannya marah, tp nasihat :p

dah lama x update pasal si kechek kan..
  • age : 8 mth ++
  • weight : <9kg. bdk ni mmg x cukup berat. doktor pesan bln 12 ni at least kena 10kg... bleh dik?
  • gigi : 4 atas, 3 bwh... coming very soon ada 1
  • like : gigit semua org, naik tangga, terjun dr walker, merangkak keluar dr car seat n berkepit dgn ibu dia

rasanya dia ni cam cepat beno besar. within a week, mesti ada je benda baru dia nk cuba. time adam n kakak x delah pulak camni.. hmmm, bila pk blk sedih gak bila ingat time yg berdua tu. aku x ingat sgt camne diorg membesar. hu3.... dah kuar lps subuh, blk time maghrib..... mana nk tau kan. padan muka sndr...


Saturday, September 08, 2012

taaruf w this blog owner

hmmm, dont know how to start.

but 1st of all, thank you very much for those yg visit this blog either sengaja ataupun tersesat kat sini. this is my 1st blog, so mmg byk kurangnya. initially it just a place to stored a family photo, family moments and some good info/tips which is related with my routine. 

ingatkan x de org baca blog ni... but bila dok belek2 kat dashboard... eh!! ada jugak rupanya. jadi pasni i will post more useful info/tips/guidance/etc. bak kata org.. sharing is caring kan?

anyway... u can call me sab or saba... mommy of 2 son and 1 daughter who live at pasir gudang johor. once upon a time pernah involved in oil n gas field (subcontracting). w/pun dh jadi fulltime h/wife, aku still amik tau gak coz my surrounding ramai yg ada dlm line ni. even my hubby pun org laut kan... jd x leh lari mana lah.

after few years blogging syiok sendiri, tetiba cam nk tambah kengkawan through blogging. tu yg join ben's segment SINI n dapat lah kawan2 baru 2,3 org. hahaha.... but due to time constrains aku mmg x sempat nk blogwalking.  so, pd yg still put my link at their blog, again thank you very much. for those yg dh remove, i dnt mind... i deserve it...

till then, happy reading. do drop yr comment and leave your link esp blogger yg terlibat directly/indirect in oil&gas [ssh tau nk cari blogger laut] .. bila free nanti i will say hi kat yr blog ye :)


Friday, September 07, 2012

photo raya

very limited edition nye gambo due to cameraman bz ngan ank kecik.. huhuhu

pra raya

scope isteri tuan rumah : cookies, langsir, baju raya
scope tuan rumah : mengemas, mengemas n mengemas seluruh rumah

ari tu en epol x jadi blk 16hb.... [selamat ye thn ni.. will c next year ek].. tau2 je sabtu ptg dia dh ada depan umh. surprised ek..... kan dh kena dok kat luar umh. ha3.... kakak bgtau yg ada org dpn umh. bila aku tgk, takde pun. so wat tak tau je lah... then lps 10 mnt kot, kakak panggil lg. owh...... mmg surprised. but alhamdulillah lah, i can pass him some works. ha3...

 tukang rasa cookies. nasib baik bdk ni agak supportive sepanjang session wat cookies.
so next year aku bleh amik order lbh sket

 operasi lap tingkap. yg kat dlm umh tu mmg mandur yg terbaek!!

 motif pakai helmet???

majlis berbuka puasa 
@ tadika nadi permata

ths is one thing yg aku suka pasal tadika ni. dia menggalakkan bdk2 ni berpuasa dan adakan aktiviti sebegini sbg appreciation to them. parents just need to donate $5 and bring kuih. then diorang buka puasa n solat maghrib sama2. last sekali main bunga api.

tp aku rasa mlm tu adam over main, so mlm tu dia kena semput. en epol x tido sepanjang mlm jaga dia. 

 hari raya pertama @ skudai

this year beraya kat skudai. yaaa... kami masih mengamalkan giliran :)
so, sabtu tu dlm tgh hari ktorg dh sampai. solat zohor then terus masuk dapur. masak agak simple.. nasi berempah, acar bijan, kari kambing n rendang ayam... nasi impit pun ada gak tp x banyak. nasi putih??? juga ada coz org kat umh ni cam wajib mkn nasi putih.

ssh betul nk tgk laki aku ni senyum..
kalu x kenal mmg org akn ingat dia ni sombong berlagak..

blue theme.. kebetulan semua org pilih warna biru

suka aku tgk si gendut ni pakai tudung.
bleh tahan gak nk memujuk minah sorang ni... ada brooch juntai2 baru tudung tu x tanggal

seingat aku, cuma sekali sepanjang 6 thn aku kawin ni ada perfect raya photo of us.
yg lain termasuk yg ni adalah hancus. adam pagi2 dh spoiled.. dia x mau pakai jubah cox hari raya mesti pakai baju melayu + songkok. mmg typical malay kan.
so almost 1/2 day tu mmg dia moody...

raya ntah keberapa w family k.cik
