its not too late wishing u happy new year...dan ahlan wasahlan 1432H.
trima kasih Allah, tuhan skalian alam..tuhan yang maha mengetahui, maha pengasih lagi maha pengampun kerna dgn limpah rahmatnya...........kita masih bleh menghirup oksigen.
so for this new year,
i wish i could be better...ibadah, tingkahlaku, lisan, pemikiran.....i want to be close to our Almighty.. as close as i can.
i wish i could taking care my family... feeding them the best, fresh n yummy dishes... so they're not easily fall sick ..
i wish i could spend more quality time with my children with quality activities.
i wish i could start my own business ASAP.
i wish there's no more everyone could live peaceful..
there's a lot of wishes from me..what about u?