Saturday, November 27, 2010


we made another trip to taipan business centre - acupuncture and  this might be the last trip here since there's not much improvement. Continue @ jb pun ok kot. some say jb nye acupuncture x sehebat kat melaka n KL... ye ke? we'll see.
here, we stay @ cottage inn. the room is okay lah...... hmm, kalu nk best g lah 5 star hotel kan. hehehe.. i'd tried to persuade my husband to stay @ PD. unluckily all the rooms are fully booked. i've call most of the hotel.....semua penuh. ni betul2 cuti sekolah. untung bdk2 skarang, time cuti je parents bawak g jln2..time dolu2 dok umh je. huhuhuhu...
we bought dinner @ kayu nasi kandar. mknan nye sodap, tapi tang bayar x leh tahan. mau nye leh beli ikan tenggiri 4kg, lepas lauk kat umh utk 5 hari. but skali skala takpe lah kan :-) 
mlm ni kami tido awal sket. we plan to check-out early in the morning (how early? lepas subuh kata hsbnd..leh ke?).. cam those 2 kids slalu bgtau...NAK G MANDI LAUT. pantang jumpa sungai, tasek, parit. semuanya dibantai panggil laut.

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